Thursday, July 22, 2010

Goin' to the Temple and We're...

... gonna do baptisms!

Haha did anyone get excited for a second? This post is to tell about the adventures of me, Lori, Tiffany, Dani, and Larisa as we went to the temple yesterday. Trust me, it was ridiculous.

I got home around 5:30pm last night from work. As I was walking to my apartment, I ran into a group of people from my ward that included Dani, Lori, and Tiffany. Dani ran to give me a hug because she is adorable, and I asked what everyone was doing. "We're going to the temple!" said Dani. "Oh how fun! Who is going?" Dani listed the girls I mentioned earlier, and said, "You can come! Do you wanna come??" I have wanted to go pretty much FOREVER, so I said yes! Can I? They said yes, go change. We were on our way to the Draper temple around 5:45, and expected to be back around 8. Lori was driving in her little bug with all of us in the back feeling grateful that we are a relatively little bunch.

Dani needed to get a recommend interview, so we were trying to call the bishopric on the way to the temple to get an interview so she could come. Brother Beifuss was the only one who answered, and he said he couldn't, because he didn't have the book. Undeterred, we headed for the Allen's home, because it was close and we figured we could just drop by and see if they were there. As we were driving around his neighborhood feeling confused about where he lived, we got a phone call from Brother Beifuss again! He said if we could get Phill or Dahl to open the clerk's office, he could meet us in American Fork (where he lives) and then we could go. I told the girls that Dahl would be at work until 7, so Phill was our go-to man. He was still at work, but said he could be at the chapel by 6:10. We decided to just go there to wait. When he got there, he asked if we had a key to the outside of the church; he just had one for the clerk's office. We didn't. So, we called Trevor (our EQP), and he told us where his keys were located inside his apartment. Dani said she knew their pass code because one time Lindsey, her's and Lori's roomie, watched him key it in. We all drove back to Raintree, got the keys, and returned to the church. Phill got us the book, and we were once again on our way. It was now around 6:30.

With all of the detours and backtracking, our little Relief Society President (Lori), upgraded herself to a Prophetess when she said, "Now my car's probably gonna break down!" We all laughed naively, until the coolant light came on. We instantly turned off the AC and rolled down the windows. Lori called her mom and asked to switch cars, and we continued driving until we started to smell that sweet smell that means something's gone REALLY wrong. Lori pulled into a gas station, and we popped the hood. Smoke billowed out, and all the people who knew more about cars than me, (so everyone there), gave Lori advice. The people inside the gas station said she probably blew her radiator because her car was completely out of coolant. Her parents came to the rescue a few minutes later. We decided to push the car to the nearby Smith's parking lot, and we were once again on our way. It was now around 7:15.

We drove to Brother Beifuss's home, and knocked on the door. No answer. We rang the doorbell. Still no answer. We walked around to the back and couldn't see anyone. Finally, we called him. He was at the country club, he said, and we could meet him there. So we drove to the only one Lori knew of, and it was not the right one. Eventually, we made our way to the RIGHT one, and Dani ran in to get her interview. While she was inside, I called the Timpanogas Temple (we had decided that that was the one we should go to since it was closer and we were about 2 hours behind schedule) and they said they didn't know how busy it would be, but we could come. Dani came out to the car with her recommend, but we realized he had said he did the interview in October of 2008 (10/08 instead of 07/10... I don't understand either, I think he just switched them and thought it was close enough to August to say 08), so we quickly got him to fix it and arrived at the temple about 7:50.

The temple was very crowded and we had to wait awhile, but I thought it was wonderful. It was nice to just sit and think. I love the temple!

We finally got back around 10, 2 hours later than expected. We were glad, because we had reserved a tumbling gym for 10:30, so we had just enough time to change so we could go play! It was lots of fun :)
(You probably can't tell, but we are at the tumbling gym. That's the curse of having a camera... no sweet action shots of yourself. Oh well!!)

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