Thursday, September 3, 2009

My New Assignment

So, for my business writing class, my teacher has declared that we will all blog at least once weekly. Some people in my class hate the idea, I'm sure some are excited, and I am kind of in- between. It's kind of like keeping a journal, so maybe I will enjoy it when I look back. I usually blog about once a month, when Heather tells me I should, so maybe this will help me shorten my entries? We shall see. She's pretty ridiculously excited I got this assignment. I think it has to be 150 words, and Brother Clarke said that we can write about anything, the point is to write. He said we could even say I hate Brother Clarke. I hate Brother Clarke. I hate Brother Clarke. over and over again. But I don't, so I won't. He's been pretty entertaining so far, and he has some of the better reviews on rate my professor, so I think it should be a good class.
Speaking of classes, I started school this week! I am in Accounting 210, Information Systems 201, Business Writing or M Comm, ASL 101, and Marriage and Family. I guess I'll go through them and say my feelings about them:

Accounting: Umm I'm very scared. I took Accounting 200 last semester, and I don't remember a lot of it. We're just reviewing now, and what I don't remember scares me. But, I'm re-teaching myself, and I got all the quiz questions on the 1st quiz right, so hopefully I will continue to do well. I am actually putting off getting ready for the 2nd quiz as I type this up.
ISYS: I'm kind of scared. I'm sure it will be challenging, as I am not super good with excel and I don't think I've ever used Access, but one guy in that class already got my number so hopefully now I have a study buddy? I will definitely need one. The professor seems nice, so I'm kinda interested to see how it goes. I know it will be useful, anyway. Now we are just learning stuff about competitive advantage, so not too hard.
Business Writing: I feel like this class is a good mix of writers and the professor seems nice and funny and willing to work with the students, so I'm not terrified, but I can see it will be a lot of work. It seems to me that it's just learning how to write in a different way, which I had to do last semester in my News Writing class. Once I learned how, I got to be pretty good at it, and really started to enjoy it, so I think the same thing can happen here. I'm naturally decent at writing, so I think it will be work, but not overwhelming.
ASL: I'm pretty excited about this class. I'm taking it with Heather, because we decided it'd be fun to be able to talk to each other in "code". Kali took it last semester and so did Christine, and they thought we would be fine. It's definitely a beginner course, so I'm excited to learn. As part of the class we have to practice outside of class with someone else for a half hour, then an hour, and then an hour and a half every week as the semester progresses. Heather and I did our first one today. It was in the Cougareat, and we basically had to spell and gesture every single word. It was fun... but mostly awkward. I was worried someone would come up who we knew and we wouldn't be able to talk to them, but luckily no one came. We played I spy and showed each other cute boys and tried to talk about some of the events of the day. We had to get most of that out while we ate and talked in English first, though.
Marriage and Family: I'm excited for this class. I love my professor, he is adorable. He seems like one of those bishops that you just love. I think it will help me to not be so scared of marriage. Not that I'm terrified, but it just seems like something so far away I guess... I mostly just feel completely unprepared which is okay, but it's sort of less okay in a BYU environment? I don't know how to explain it. I think part of it is I'm the oldest and Heather has already told me it's my job to get married first so that means I hafta get married within the next 3-4 years if she gets to get married when she's 22, which is her plan. And clearly that won't dictate what I do, or even what she does, but it something that seems so close and yet so far, and so ridiculously uncertain.

I love my ward so far! My bishop is seriously adorable. I love him. It's very clear that he loves us and wants to be a good bishop for us. We've already had some really fun activities. This ward has ward prayer which I love! I never had it last year, so I'm excited to have it again. Last time we divided ourselves into groups and met the people around us, and then we went to get to know people who had the same 1st letter of their 1st names. We also had a spiritual thought, and then I stuck around and talked for probably another half hour or so to other new people. I met one guy who served in my mission, Josh Keele... I didn't remember him, but he remembered my family! He's actually not in my ward, but he was at ward prayer. Then, on Monday, we had a huge FHE at the bishop's house where they fed us a potato bar, and that was fun too. We did speed dating, and a game where we were competing to know each others names. Tonight there is a get to know the bishopric at the raintree clubhouse, so I guess we'll see how that goes.

One sad thing is that Heather is not in my ward :( But, that means more networking for us! I've already met a lot of people in her ward, and we visit each other all the time. It's nice to be so close that I can hang out with her whenever. I like her roomies too :) I also love my roomies! I only know one of them, Kali, and the others I don't know very well, but they have been nice and fun so far. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of these people this semester!

I definitely need to stop writing this now... oh the apartment is okay, the dishwasher is broken, the toilet screams (no really, it is sooo loud) seemingly unprovoked, and, AND there is one more problem: on Tuesday, I believe, I walked into my apartment. I said hi to Kali, who was sitting complacently on her bed, and then hopped onto my bed... WHICH PROMPTLY FELL RIGHT OUT FROM UNDER ME!!!
Apparently the wood that supports the mattress shifts sometimes, so any weight put on the bed causes it to collapse. Um. Ridiculous. I mean what if that happens when I am asleep??? I have three huge bruises on the backs of my legs, and pictures will be posted on facebook of me and my poor bed. We put it back together though, no worries. Okay, sign language is in a few minutes so I must go... I guess I was just as long winded as usual. Get used to it!

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